Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Borogove: What Does It Mean?

One of our immediate priorities in this new world is establishing communication. Shortly after arriving, our new host rushed down the staircase, no doubt startled by the sound of intruders. Didge was ready to take him on then and there. Thankfully, one of the machines here kicked on and the sound startled us all. That probably keyed the native into realizing we were less of a threat and instead, vulnerable and defensive. He lowered his club and contact was made.

Vindaloo is clearly happy that the native uses a form of verbal speech patterns. There are a few hand, facial and body movements I'm cataloging, but speech seems to be primary. Despite not understanding a word from one another, we've established the habit of speaking out our actions. I think that helps lower the tensions, as well as providing each other with a set of words to work with.

The shelves of equipment are covered with various signs, each filled with its own unique symbols. It's hard to distinguish numbers, letters, punctuation, or whatever else these might be, so I'm deferring a basic comprehension to Ipswitch to provide us. There are a few obvious pictograms -- hands, figures, etc. But the rest seems fairly contemporary and ordered -- around 50 clear symbols pop up repeatedly.

There is a curious device here that catches our hosts attention from time to time -- a circular display marked with symbols and lines. It seems to be some sort of measuring device. It moves consistently so perhaps it is a timer of some sort -- a clock? He seems fixated on it so perhaps our arrival has upset a schedule he has. I hope we don't cause too much of a disturbance. It is best if we restrict our exposure to as few natives as possible at first, to limit our area of effect to as small as we can.

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