Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Katzenjammer: Fate

It's ironic -- the Followers of Epicon were so afraid we would find intelligent life on another world that they set out to destroy the projectors, the research stations, the concept of the clutch, and the entire Promyn Collective if that's what it took... and it was that very act which forced us to flee using the projector, leading us straight into the discovery of an alien intelligence. Still, the fact we can't tell anyone about it yet plays in their favor. But maybe this was meant to be -- making the discovery only to be stopped would have dealt us a serious blow. Now that we're here, firsthand, they have no way to stop us from learning the truth, and to gain more than just a surface look!

The discovery of evolution created some serious upheaval to various faith systems on Tulagwee, but eventually they were forced to restate their views. Mim were no longer a "special creation" by The Mother of Mud, we were directly related to other lifeforms on the planet. People had to either accept reality or ignore it, and as always, reality eventually won. Folks rejected belief systems en mass, while others fought to modify they systems to incorporate this information. "Evolution is a tool used by The Mother" some claimed "and the stories of creation are symbolic truths, not necessarily literal". Even the Epicons had to change or go extinct. They just chose to move the goal markers.

"Evolution only exists on Tulagwee," they would claim. Then came the discovery of bacterial life on another world. I was prepared for "but intelligence -- consciousness -- ah, THAT is a truly unique gift!". They went a different direction. They fought against CRITICAL THINKING, against the clutch system. They actually managed to convince the world that the discovery had never happened, and that we were all fools. Hadn't they learned their lesson?

Too late we realized how serious they were. They INVADED. They actually declared war against us. Machines and soldiers. A terrorist attack on Promyn soil. We were in such a rush when they came to Moonbird that we never discovered the extent, but it was clear at least one or more of the other stations had been wiped out.

We ran. We were a research station. Even Didgeridoo would not have been able to defeat an entire platoon on his own. We were defenseless. So we ran. We grabbed what we could, dialed in a destination, and jumped. Flink was hit as they came through the door. Hornswoggle managed to sabotage the projector so they couldn't follow us -- however, that meant we couldn't get back either.

I brought three eggs I have been caring for since they were discovered in the wreckage of a storm. It will we strange, seeing them raised in a world that is not their own. To what extent do they need to learn the ways of their old home as compared to their new one?

May The Mother -- in whatever form she takes here -- help us all.

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