Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vindaloo: We Come in Peace

First Contact. It's what we've all dreamed of. And we've achieved it. Yonkers is our unofficial spokesperson, but it didn't take too long to reveal the natives of this new world communicate primarily with verbal speech patterns. It's my time to shine.

Our host's mouth structure is remarkably similar to our own, if less flexible. They inhale and exhale air, vibrating some inner organ it seems to generate their sounds. It is all very familiar, which I suppose is both good and bad. Good to make my job easier, but a little disappointing in that, of all possible methods of communication, ever aural, a species from galaxies away are still so similar. Still, they appear to have a complex writing system, so I think there will be plenty to keep Ipswitch and Borogove occupied as well.

Familiar phonics appear. It seems this native's language is similar to one of the older systems from Tulagwee. Perhaps they are capable of more sounds, but like us, have limited which ones they use in common parlance. I'm beginning to pick up a few patterns, and doing what I can with my handheld tools. I really wish I had the computer back in the facility. I'd be muddy if even Flink were fully functional... Regardless, I have no doubt I'll have it cracked soon!

Sorry I don't have more to say now (crazy, I know). But I'm really focused on making a connection here, for all our benefit!

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